
sábado, 2 de março de 2019

First International Simposium on Intracranial Pressure 1972


This volume contains the papers presented at the First International Simposium on Intracranial Pressure, held at the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Hannover Medical School), July 27 to 29, 1972. The texts submitted have been included in their original form whenever possible. The editors have made only minor corrections and rearrangements, since rapid publication was considered to be more important than homogeneity in style. The sessions of this book correspond to the sessions of the symposium. At the end of each session the reader will find a summary of the topics presented and discussed, especially prepared by the chairman and co-chairman concerned.

Three main aspects of ICP were dealt with at the Symposium: Methodology (Sessions 1 and 2), Pathophysiology (Sessions 3 to 6), and Clinical Aspects (Ses- sions 7 to 10).

Following the symposium a special round table was held on the major topics covered by the meeting. The participants of this round table discussed drafts prepared by T. W. LANGFITT, B. JENNETT and N. LUNDBERG. These contributions have also been included as special chapters at the end of this book, and are believed to reflect the current attitudes as to the topics discussed.

The volume is closed by a Glossary, which was also discussed at the round table and constitutes an initial attempt to define some of the terms most commonly used in the field of ICP . Since this glossary was prepared for medical use, its authors have deliberately avoided going into details of pure physics. Obviously this glossary is incomplete and it is hoped that it will be enlarged and improved in the future.

The organizers of the symposium wish to express their deep appreciation to all who contributed to making this meeting so fruitful and interesting, especially the members of the Advisory Board, W. J. F. BEKS, W. GROTE, B. JENNETT, T. W. LANGFITT and N. LUNDBERG, who selected the papers presented.

We are grateful to Springer-Verlag for technical aid in the preparation of this book and for its prompt publication.

Hannover, November 1972 

Um comentário:

  1. Considerações históricas de Langfitt, Jennett, Lundberg, entre outros que estabeleceram os conceitos fisiopatológicos da pressão intracraniana.
